Robert Goodier


Years active in SSB: 39

Position in Band: Principal Cornet & Band Secretary

Favorite Piece: The Present Age (Leslie Condon)

Favorite SSB Moment: It was a special treat to be involved in the 1990 Congress in London which was a true blessing. While touring England and Scotland preceding the Congress and at the end of one concert, the band surprised Bandmaster Holz by switching the final march. The bandmaster continued unfazed and conducted perfectly without a score!

Having been born to Salvation Army officers who were very accomplished musicians, my first toot on the cornet was at the age of five. With my father being a cornet soloist with the Montreal Citadel Band and the Corps sexted, and my brother in law, Campbell Robinson, being a solo cornetist with the ISB, these men served as my mentors and instructors. Most of my musical experience has been with the National Capital Band in Washington, DC from 1963 to 2000, and with the Southern Staff Band. I was also a solo cornetist in the 75th Army Band in Virginia and the 214th Army Band in Alaska. I retired from playing after the 2000 Congress in Atlanta, Georgia when I moved to the US Virgin Islands. I have recently moved to the coast of North Carolina.